Saturday, September 26, 2009

Hey guys

Hey guys!
Woah, sorry for not posting as much, like I said, school is hard and I can't be posting everyday!

Anyways, there are new items in the shops, new wig, new suits, and some other stuff!

Also, beebopadoobop, our beloved writer here, is on the agent poll once again!

She is currently in 5th place! Will you vote for her?

I will put up a poll asking if you think she should be an agent :)

Have a great day!


P.S I have a present for you guys! A chobots halloween desktop wallpaper made by me! :)

You will have to make it larger by clicking and dragging it to the url bar!
Feel free to use it on your blog or site but just give me credit!
Enjoy :)

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Hey guys,
sorry for the lack of posts! School started and me and bee are really busy!
Anyways, I'm posting about a new chobots site-!
Its chobots, except it is german and there are ALOT less people playing. But there are alot of mods there, mods are usually always on having a party with rain and magic!

Some mods are: vem777, sapfir, schmetterling, vit, deliciouzz, and hikikomori!

Hope to see you there! my name is Yolande :)

Friday, September 11, 2009

Hi :)

Hey Guys :) srry I havent been posting lately. there havent been too many updates.

But incase you havent heard, I got a camera :D And on chobots, soon we will have jetpacks!
